Functional Medicine Lab Tests
While we don’t diagnose disease, instead we look for underlying root causes of your symptoms, including low energy, gut or mood disturbances, sleep issues, and weight gain.
The labs are mailed right to your doorstep and can be completed at your home before you send them back to the address attached. All at-home lab tests take 3-4 weeks to get the results back. After you've mailed them in, you will receive a detailed, yet simple-to-follow Bio-individualized Wellness Plan based on your results and symptoms. This is the first step to unlocking your health, optimizing your wellness and taking control of your vitality.
Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test
If you were to run only one lab test to assess the overall state of your digestion, microbial probiotic balance, and gut health, it would be this lab. With over 75 biomarkers, the Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test will show you exactly what your deficiencies are in terms of vitamins, energy mitochondria producers, neurotransmitter metabolites, and detoxifiers.
Complete Food Sensitivity Test
You may not even be aware how the healthy foods you are eating may be causing many of your own health issues due the natural, but exacerbated inflammatory effects of the immune system whenever you eat a food you are sensitive to. This Complete Food Sensitivity Test will help you assess the more hidden delayed response food reactions that often don’t occur for 24-72 hours after eating one of your reactive trigger foods. Most of us have multiple food sensitivities... do you know yours?
Complete Stress (Hormones), Mood & Metabolism Test
Hormones play a pivotal role in how you feel as you age. The problem is that being a bit too high or too low can send you into a spiral of low mood, mojo, and metabolism. The other issue is that even if your hormones are in the right lab range, they must be in the right ratio with their counter balancing hormone (Ie. estrogen dominance or elevated venting cortisol). Discover your own levels of healthy hormones and the other cofactors that allow you to live a life full of passion, energy, and vitality!
Complete Minerals & Metals Test / Hair Mineral Tissue Analysis
This is the test that will help you to see how well your nervous system is handling stress, what stage of adrenal dysfunction you may be in, what your mineral reserves are like, and if you’re dealing with higher levels of toxic heavy metals.
Complete Gut Bacteria & Parasite Test / Stool Test
This test takes a look at what is going on inside your gut. It will help pinpoint the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms and other chronic conditions by measuring key markers of digestion, absorption and inflammation. This comprehensive at-home lab test can provide the answers at the root cause level that can help bring your body back into balance and health.
Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test / Adrenal Hormone Test
Stress -- it comes in many forms, but no matter what kind of stress you’re under it can wreak havoc on your hormones and nervous system and lead to issues like changes in your mood or to irregular sleep patterns. What’s worse, if your stress has been escalating over time, you may not even realize it’s what is causing you to feel so tired and worn down. This trusted and easy at-home test that measures your hormones, including any imbalances between levels of estrogen to progesterone.
Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test
When it comes to protecting your heart, watching your cholesterol and blood pressure won’t give you the full picture. In truth, inflammation levels are often a much better indicator of overall cardiovascular health. What’s more is that ongoing inflammation can lead to a number of other troubling health issues if left undetected. By understanding your Omega-6 to Omega-3 fat balance you will begin to see how balancing healthy levels of inflammation can keep you safe from a multitude of pro-inflammatory conditions.